Volunteering At The Ranch


So much of the Ranch has been built by the hands of those who freely give their time. From the gazebo built as an Eagle Scout project, to the round bales being moved by a local church youth group, most everything here has been blessed by the touch of a volunteer. Volunteers have been building, cleaning, fixing, and improving this Ranch ever since it began, all without expecting anything in return. If you are interested in serving with the Ranch, please call 612.423.6400 to schedule an appointment for a Ranch tour.

One of the things we need the most is adult volunteer mentors to partner and commit to one or more days a week.

The requirements to be a mentor are:

  • Be a believer/follower in Jesus Christ
  • Be willing to share Christ through words and actions
  • Have a teachable spirit
  • Be willing to be led by the Holy Spirit
  • Have horse knowledge/experience
  • Be able to lovingly handle sensitive situations
  • Be able to do what needs to be done

Other volunteer opportunities are:
Mowing grass
Cleaning stalls on off-rider days
Facility maintenance
Weeding arena/grounds
Grant writing
And many more

Local Volunteers
If you live in the area and are interested in giving your time to the Ranch, we invite you to complete and return our Volunteer Application.

Our Volunteers must be age 18 or older. If a youth age 17 or under is interested in volunteering, he or she must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or approved as a Youth Volunteer. We love having families volunteer together, and much of our daily chore list is completed by groups of individual adults, parents and kids working side by side. Please keep in mind that we do not offer childcare for volunteers. It is the volunteers responsibility to watch his or her children at all times while at the ranch.

We rely on this team of volunteers to help our staff with the daily task list, as well as miscellaneous jobs that arise. If you have a specific skill or gift that you would like to offer be sure to indicate that on your application.

Local Volunteer Application Process

  • Complete and submit the Volunteer application
  • Pass the background check

Volunteer Groups
If you live locally or outside of the area and desire to serve the Ranch as a group, we invite you to complete and return our Volunteer Application.

As the Ranch grows, so does our list of chores! We often have groups inquire about volunteering at His Haven.

When filling the Volunteer Application, be sure to include group dynamics (number of people, approximate age group, leader-to-kid ratio if it is youth, etc.) and any specific skills or talents your group wishes to utilize or share. Those skills can range from basic ranch chores to scooping manure. Whatever the nature of your group, we hope to find a good fit for you that will also meet a need at the ranch!

Group Volunteer Application Process

  • Both a group application and an interview with the group leader are required.
  • Each participant must complete a current Ranch Release form.
  • We require each volunteer over the age of 18 to complete a state background check and send this information to the Ranch no later than a week prior to arrival.
  • Local Groups do have the option of being "On Call," and we will contact you when we have big jobs arise that will require many hands or specific skills.
  • We welcome groups of kids and teens as well! However, we do require a ratio of 1 of your own leaders to every 5 kids/teens that you bring.

Download the Group Volunteer Application


Download the Volunteer Application


Download the Liability Release Form


Download the Mentor Application


Download the Release & Risk Assumption Form
